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Call for
The committee and
sponsors of the Ninth International Internet Education
Conference (ICT-Learn 2013) invite pan-Arabic and world
submissions of high quality presentations covering all
aspects of E-learning and E-teaching including demonstrated
experience, concepts, developments, technologies, and
educational methodologies. Preference will be given to
presentations based on case experience.
The conference serves
to exchange experience, research, development, and
applications by private sector companies, universities, online education
providers, government agencies, vendors, educational organizations, and
others. Conference topics include, but are not limited to
Infrastructure, Tools & Content-Oriented Applications,
E-Health, Human Computer Interaction (HCI / CHI), Cases &
Projects, New Role of the Instructor, Student, Administrator
and the Society.
Submission Details
Technical Program Committee needs to receive the full
paper by July 1, 2013.
The paper
should include the titles, names, and affiliations of
all authors, as well as the telephone number and e-mail
address for at least one contact author.
The paper
should be submitted in Word Doc format not more than 10
pages to the following e-mail address:
For more
information check the web page :
Notification of
acceptance/rejection of paper will be mailed by August
1, 2013.
Final versions
of accepted papers must be e-mailed to the above address
in the conference format by August 15, 2008 for
inclusion in the proceedings.
Accepted and
published papers in the ICT-Learn conference will appear
in the transactions of the Journal of Internet Education
( JIE), published by the Academy of Scientific Research
and Technology ISSN 1687-5796
Best Paper
award will be nominated at the conference
Tel: +202-25790042, +2011-1168181 and: Fax +202-25765048
Organized by
Human and technology Development Foundation
July 2-4, 2013
Ramses Hilton HOTEL
Cairo, Egypt