| |
Tuesday 2 July
8:00-9:00 |
Registration |
10: 00-11:00 |
Opening Ceremony
Dr. Mohamed Elazab, welcome speech
Dr. Tarek Kamel, Minister of MCIT
Dr. Ahmed Gamal El-Din, Minister of MOE
1 1: 00-12:00
Dr. Michael Adams, President, Fairleigh Dickinson Univ.
Dr. Nadia Hegazi, MCIT
Dr. Ahmed Tantwe, MCIT |
12:00-12:30 |
Coffee Break |
Parallel Sessions |
Mon. P1.1
Technology in Education Moderator:ENG.Yasser Kazem
Paul Lefrere, Microsoft
Basim Nasir, Intel
Yasser Kazem, MCIT
Amina Khalifa, MCIT
Mon. .P1. 2
Internet in HigherEducation Moderator : Galal Osman
Gamal Darwish
Mahmud Elhadidi
Ahmed AbdelBasit
Ashraf Mazen
Panel Discussion |
14: 00-15:00 |
Blue & White Hall |
Mon . P2.1
“ Towards World Information Society WSISII”
Moderator : Dr. Adel El-zaim, IDRC
Senior Program specialist
International development research center
Wednesday 3 July
8:00-9:00 |
Registration |
Parallel Sessions |
9:00-10:30 |
Blue Hall |
White Hall |
Tues . P1. 1
Teacher Training
Moderator : Dr. Mostafa Elgabaly
M Zamzam, Boshra Awad,MOE
Rita Karl, USAID
Robert Kozma, USAID
Heba Hafez, USAID
Tues . P1. 2
Virtual University
Moderator: Abdul Rahman, King Saud univ
HoucineChibli, Tunis
Mansour Ali, King Saud Univ.
Sherif Kandil , Bahrain
Fadia Abdelmalih, Seria
Parallel Sessions |
10:45-12:15 |
Blue Hall |
White Hall |
Tues . P2. 1
Needs and Challenges of ICT in Schools
Moerator: Boshra Awad
Hans Pronk, Holland
Sama Danial, Jordan.
Mona Hamad, Kuwait , MOE
Dalia Kalil, iEARN
Tues . P2. 2
Quality Education
Moderator: Nadia Badrawi
Kamal Imam
Salwa baiomi
Mohsen Elmahdi
12:15-12:45 |
Coffee Break |
12:45-14:15 |
Blue Hall |
White Hall |
Challenges & Problems of E-learning
Moderator : Dr. Ali Heibeish
Dr. Trek Shawki, UNESCO
Najat Roshdi, ICTDAR
Enzo Pulitti, UNDP
Moderator : Tarek Sadawe
Ibrhim Habib, City Univ. of Newyork
Said Raghay , Tunisia
Tarek Sadawi
Thursday 4 July
8:00-9:00 |
Registration |
Parallel Sessions |
9:00-10:30 |
Blue Hall |
Hall B |
Wed. P1.1
Case Studies
Moderator : Ashraf Elkushery, AUC.
Samir Fhkro , Bahrain
Zahra Rashed , OMAN
Fadia abdelmalih, Syria
Ashraf Elkushery, AUC.
Wed. P1.2
Case Studies
Moderator : Mohamed Hajjar , Lebanon
Eric Asmugha, Vigeria
Mohamed Hajjar , Lebanon
Moosa Alkindi , OMAN
Said Raghay,MOROCO
Sameh Rehan , Egypt
10:45-12:15 |
Parall Session |
Blue Hall |
White Hall |
Case Study
Moderator: Aly Elogla, King Saud
Jebril Elarishi, King Saud Univ.
Abdalla Elmetawee , Kuwait
Yehia Zahran , Egypt
Aly Elogla, King Saud |
Case Study
Moderator: Abdelmonem M. Kuawait
Abdelmonem M. Kuawait
Nagwa Elshenawe , Egypt
Maha Talat , Egypt
Ahmed Nasef, Egypt
A . M ELmtwa, Kwait |
12:15-12:45 |
Coffee Break |
12:45-13:15 |
Closing Ceremony, Announce of ICT-Learn 2013
DR.Hoda Barka
5-7 August 2013
ICT-Learn 2013 |
Organized by
Human and technology Development Foundation
July 2-4, 2013
Ramses Hilton HOTEL
Cairo, Egypt